Factorio server hosting with Paysafecard

Factorio is a popular game that allows players to build, automate and maintain factories. It’s a great way to exercise your engineering skills and get creative with your designs. As the game’s popularity has grown, so has the demand for server hosting solutions. Luckily, there are now multiple options available that allow you to host your own Factorio server with ease.

When it comes to payment options, Paysafecard is one of the most convenient and secure methods out there. Paysafecard is a prepaid card that can be used to pay for goods and services online, without the need for a credit/debit card.

How do I create a Factorio server, using Paysafecard?

1. The first thing you will need to do is create an account with ServerFlex. This is a quick and straight forward process and only takes a minute. You can even speed up your sign-up by using Google, Discord or Stream. Start your account by clicking here.

2. Now your account is created you will see a screen like the one below - this is your home page. On the left navigation bar, click the button titled "Settings", then click "Billing" and finally "Add Credit" on the right side of the page.

3.  From the options click the Paysafecard logo. Next you will need to select the amount of credit you are looking to add to your account. We recommend first determining the amount of account credit you will need by configuring your game server on our website.

4. You will now be directed to the Paysafecard website. This is where you will complete your transaction. Enter your Paysafecard code and complete your purchase.

5. Next you will return to the ServerFlex Control Panel on a page that shows a loading spinner. Your payment is now being processed in our backend. This process is usually very fast, and the credit should be available in your account within 30 seconds.

You don't need to wait on this page for this payment to complete - we will send you an email when the credit becomes available in your account.

6. Finally, head back to the server deployment page on our website and configure your server.

7. When you come to the checkout page make sure you are logged in. If there is a field on the page asking for your email address then click the button in the top right corner to login with your existing account.

We're now ready to deploy the server! Click the option of "Pay with Account Balance" and a popup will appear showing you the credit you have just added with Paysafecard.

8. Let's get playing! Your server will now be provisioned on the network and will be ready to play in the next 30 seconds.

We trust that this article was beneficial to you. ServerFlex offers a range of different games like Satisfactory, Valheim, Terraria and Minecraft, and Paysafecard is accepted as a payment method for each of these titles on our platform.

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