How do I remove the password from a Valheim server?

This isn't ideal for users who would like to run online communities as one of the make-it-or-break-it factors for growing an online community is ease for players to join. So, is there a way to remove the password from a Valehim server?

It turns out it is possible to remove password from Valheim servers! We need to use Valheim Plus, a plugin for Valheim which uses the BepinEx mod loader. The mod adds a huge variety of new features to your server, one of the most notable is the ability to remove the server's password. Another important feature you might consider is the ability to raise the player limit from the pre-set maximum of 10.

How to install Valheim Plus on your server.

Valheim Plus uses the BepinEx mod loader to run, so we need to install that along side the mod. If you are not technical and/or do not wish to deal with the installation of the mod on your server then you can choose a hosting provider which offers the installation as a service. ServerFlex offers one-click install for Valheim Plus on all Valheim Servers.

Installing on a Valheim Server Hosting with ServerFlex.

At ServerFlex we make it easy for non-technical gamers to host game servers. Our platform abstracts the difficulties of running a server, and our Valheim Plus integration is no different.

When deploying your server from our Create Valheim Server page you can simply tick the box at the top of the page - we will handle the install and run automatic updates of the plugin for you!

One-Click installation of Valheim Plus on your Valheim Server.

If you are an existing customer and already have a Valheim server with us then you are still able to install Valheim Plus in one-click. To do this you should navigate to your server in our Server Control Panel, then enter the sub-menu of "Settings"

Find the installer settings inside the Settings tab on your Valheim server.
Valheim Plus will be listed on the "Installers" section of the settings area.

Just click "Install Valheim Plus" and in a few seconds you will be up and running with the latest version of the mod.

Installing Valheim Plus on a standard game server.

If you are not hosting with us then you may need to install this mod manually, to do this you will first need to head over to the Valheim Plus Installation Instructions and select either "Windows Server" or "Unix Server". The instructions to install will appear below. Simply put you need to download the files by clicking the "Direct Download" button and then upload the archive to your game hosting.

Next you need to unpack all of the files in the root directory of your Valheim server. Make sure to set the correct permissions (if on a Unix server) by running 'chmod u+x'. Depending on your setup you may have extra steps to follow to get everything up and running. We recommend checking out the official installation guide as this can be a complex process.

Installing Valheim Plus on your client

BepinEx is required to be installed on your client too - we won't walk through the setup here as Valheim Plus has a simple two step process to install on your client. Check it out here:

Valheim Plus
Valheim Plus - A HarmonyX Mod for the game Valheim aimed at quality of life improvement.

How to remove the password from your Valheim server.

This is relatively simple, all we need to do is change the configuration value in a single file. The file is located at: ./BepInEx/config/valheim_plus.cfg. This file can be accessed using the edit file feature in the ServerFlex control panel. Find the section titled [Server] using Ctrl + F.

Set enabled to true

Set disableServerPassword to true

Save the file and restart your server. You no longer require a password to join your Valheim server!

For any other queries about Valheim server hosting make sure to check out our Valheim server knowledge base.

Happy gaming!

Team ServerFlex.