Play All of Your Favourite Games for (less than) the Price of One

With so many fun, unique and bug free games out there (cough looking at you, Cyberpunk cough), gamers are often spoilt for choice when deciding how to pass the time, chillax after a hard day at work or school, or commit to the grind of levelling up their best characters. The decision is made even harder when you throw multiplayer games into the mix, especially when everyone wants to play something different, together.
Deciding on a multiplayer game to spend a few hours on is usually a conversation comprising of the game, how to host a server for it, and who within your group has the computing power, broadband and network configurations to host said server. When you eventually realise that using a server provider is the easier option, the next step is to figure out who to go with.

Once you eventually decide to use ServerFlex (😉), you’ll come to realise that you’re no longer restricted in terms of how many games you can play for the amount you’re willing to invest in a hosted server. And it’s all thanks to ServerFlex’ one-of-a-kind pricing and billing model.
How is ServerFlex’ pricing different to others’?
Unlike other providers, ServerFlex offers the ability to pay for your server hourly. This opens a whole new realm of possibilities and allows you to stretch your server hosting cash much, much further.
For example, if you have £10 to spend on hosting a server within the timeframe of a month, you can either: a) invest most, if not all on a server that is guaranteed to be online for the entire month or, b) pay a fraction of the monthly cost for the same server, with the same uptime guarantee, but you only pay for the hours that you use.
This unrivalled flexibility enables you to play all your favourite games, with your friends, for less than the price of hosting just one for an entire month.
I’m sold, how do I get started?
Simply sign into the ServerFlex web app and head over to billing. By clicking the ‘Add Funds’ button you can add credit to your account.

In a matter of minutes, you’re primed and ready to begin playing on the world’s most cost-efficient game servers. The next time you create a server, make sure that you choose ‘Pay Hourly’ when deciding on a plan and away you go! 🥳

Once you’ve finished playing, be sure to delete your server to cease billing, and when you’re ready for a change of scenery, head back over to ServerFlex and deploy your next hourly-billed server in seconds!
Please note: hourly billed servers have a monthly cap. This means that after a certain point your server is free to host. Check the ‘Maximum of’ part of your server’s plan for details.

No love for monthly hosting then? 😳
We’ve got you covered! The thing that truly makes ServerFlex stand out from the crowd, aside from all the other advantages, is that we offer hourly and monthly payment options in parallel. This means that you can host that Minecraft server for your community all month long, without having to worry about service interruptions, and only pay for the few (or many) hours that you play CS:GO within the same amount of time.