

Hi there - we're the ServerFlex team!

New servers available in the USA!

Continuing our rapid expansion in 2021, we are happy to announce that servers are now available in Phoenix, AZ and Ashburn, VA - these two locations will give us great reach in the

Pay Hourly Minecraft Servers

Pay per hour Minecraft servers - it's that simple! Fed up of paying for an entire month of Minecraft server hosting when you only want to play for a few hours? Yeah - we were too, that's why we made ServerFlex! We accept EUR, USD or GBP.

End of 2020 Update: Now accepting USD and EUR!

Hi there, welcome to the final ServerFlex update of the year - and what are year it has been! So much has happened with ServerFlex this year and after a short break for Christmas all our team will be right back at full speed to continue providing the best game server hosting in the world.

Spigot, Forge, PaperMC now supported!

We have been pretty busy at ServerFlex! We have been updating our platform to add out-of-the-box support for non-vanilla Minecraft. Many of our users requested Spigot, Forge and PaperMC (just to name a