

Hi there - we're the ServerFlex team!

The Best MCProHosting Alternative.

So, you're looking to host your own Minecraft Server? You first head over to Google and see literally thousands of generic Minecraft Server Hosting companies all reselling the same technology. You're probably overwhelmed

ServerFlex & RavenDB - A perfect fit.

Our cloud has a lot of moving parts - choosing the right database technology is key in making sure you have the best chance of success. Read about why we chose RavenDB.

August Update

Our platform is growing every single day - August heralded some major challenges but also some incredible strides.

Free trials: Play before you pay!

As consumers ourselves we understand you don't want to part with your hard earned cash before you're satisfied with the product. For this reason we are excited to announce that we offer free

PayPal now supported!

Since the beginning of ServerFlex's public beta, the one question we've been asked more than any other is when PayPal will be a supported payment method. The answer? Now! Starting today, PayPal can