Argument Description
--start-server-load-latest Start a server from the latest save file.
--start-server-load-scenario Start a new server from a scenario.
--start-server-load-game Start a server from a save file.
--server-settings Provide a file with server settings.
--server-whitelist Provide a file with the whitelisted players.
--server-banlist Provide a file with the banned players.
--start-server-load-adminlist Provide a file with the admins.
--rcon-port Set the RCON port.
--rcon-password Set the RCON password.
--log-file Set the log file.
--console-log Set the console log file.
--server-id Set the server ID.
--server-name Set the server name.
--server-description Set the server description.
--server-max-players Set the maximum number of players.
--server-visibility Set the server visibility.
--server-game-password Set the game password.
--server-require-user-verification Set whether user verification is required.
--server-ignore-player-limit-for-returning-players Set whether the player limit should be ignored for returning players.
--server-allow-commands Set whether commands are allowed.
--server-autosave-interval Set the autosave interval.
--server-autosave-slots Set the number of autosave slots.
--server-auto-pause Set whether the game should be auto-paused.
--server-only-admins-can-pause Set whether only admins can pause the game.
--server-admins Set the list of admins.
--server-ban-timeout Set the ban timeout.
--server-ignore-latency-limits Set whether latency limits should be ignored.
--server-ignore-player-limit Set whether the player limit should be ignored.
--server-max-upload-speed Set the maximum upload speed.
--server-max-upload-inactivity-time Set the maximum upload inactivity time.
--server-require-verification Set whether verification is required.
--server-verification-max-player-age Set the maximum player age for verification.
--server-max-ping Set the maximum ping.
--server-require-completion-rate Set the completion rate required for joining.
--server-max-join-time Set the maximum join time.
--server-allow-cheats Set whether cheats are allowed.
--server-allow-spectating Set whether spectating is allowed.
--server-autosave-only-on-server-tick Set whether autosave should only happen on server ticks.
--server-spawn-monsters Set whether monsters should spawn.
--server-disable-enemy-expansion Set whether enemy expansion should be disabled.
--server-disable-friendly-fire Set whether friendly fire should be disabled.
--server-disable-combat-robot-combat Set whether combat robots should be disabled.
--server-difficulty Set the difficulty.
--server-game-type Set the game type.
--server-map-gen-settings Set the map generation settings.
--server-map-settings Set the map settings.
--server-scenario-name Set the scenario name.
--server-require-user-verification Set whether user verification is required.
--server-validate-file-integrity Set whether file integrity should be validated.
--server-verbose Set whether verbose output should be used.
--start-server-load-latest Start a server from the latest save file.
--start-server-load-scenario Start a new server from a scenario.
--start-server-load-game Start a server from a save file.