6 Things to remember when choosing a Valheim Server Hosting provider.

Valheim is an incredibly popular game right now, the game can be played in single player mode but is significantly more enjoyable when playing with friends in multiplayer mode using a server. Getting a server setup is a tricky task, but luckily there are plenty of services available to help.
In this article we are going to highly criteria for choosing the best Valheim server hosting option when setting up your own server.
1. Hardware
First, consider the hardware you will need for the server. Valheim is a resource intensive game, so you’ll need to make sure your chosen provider has the necessary hardware to ensure a smooth and lag-free experience. From our experience you will need at least 4GB of RAM to run your server. Look for a provider that offers top-of-the-line processors, RAM, and storage options to ensure that your server runs as efficiently as possible.
2. User Interface
Next, consider the software you will use to manage the server. This can range from running the Valheim server software via the Steam CLI on your own Virtual Private Server, through to using a dedicated hosting provider who abstracts the complexities into a simple user interface.
Look for a provider that offers an easy-to-use control panel and an intuitive user interface. This will make it easier to manage your server and keep track of its performance. Additionally, make sure the provider offers a variety of game-specific tools and mods that will allow you to customize your Valheim experience.

3. Support Team
Next, consider the customer service and support offered by the provider. Look for a provider that offers reliable customer support and is willing to answer any questions you may have. If this is your first server, or if you're a pro at hosting, it is still nice to know that there is a team you can reach out to if you have issues.
Check if the provider offers Dicord support. Almost every gamer has Discord, and it can be quick and easy to contact the support team for your provider.
4. Location, Location, Location
Data centre location is an important factor for game hosting because it affects the host's ability to maintain a good connection with players. If you have issues regarding lag then it's possible you have poor connection to the data centre. Check your provider to ensure there are locations close to where you and your players live.

5. Uptime
Your host's uptime matters. Good uptime ensures that players can access the server and its content at virtually any time. Read your providers reviews on websites like TrustPilot before purchasing.
Be warned! It is easy for providers to write 99.99% uptime on their websites, but it's a hard feat to achieve. Check the real reviews for your potential hosting provider and see what their existings users are saying.
6. Backups
Backing up your Valheim server is important. It allows the server to be restored to its original state in the event of a catastrophic event, such as a server crash or a power outage. Backups can help to protect against malicious attacks, such as bad players and malicious code. When choosing a provider check that backups are taken automatically and can easily be restored.

Ready to get started?
ServerFlex.io offers a great hosting service for Valheim servers, providing an unbeatable performance and an easy to use interface. With dedicated customer support, you can trust that your server will always be running smoothly.
Try before you buy with a free trial, no payment details required.
To get started with your first Valheim server, checkout https://serverflex.io/product/valheim-hosting